Monday, October 03, 2005

Harriet Miers

I rarely rant, but this issue warrants it. George Dumbo-Ya Bush nominates his Texas crony Harriet Miers to succeed Sandra Day O'Conner on the Supreme Court. She's got zero judicial experience. That should be enough to bring the Democratic leadership out of its collective deep sleep. Yet Harry Reid, my so called Senate minority leader, actually endorsed this gal.

So I decided to write to the idiot, and to register as an independent to boot. Just in case you're interested, here's the email I sent to Reid, with a cc: to his cohort Nancy Pelosi:

I am mad as hell that the Democratic party, MY party, refuses to stand up to George W. Bush and his inane supreme court nominations. I am especially incensed that you endorse Harriet Meirs as Sandra Day O'Conner's replacement. You even went as far as saying that you'd be OK with a justice with no experience as a judge! Be the first to know that after years of rolling over and playing dead when it comes to the war in Iraq and now the bastardization of the highest court in the land, I am abandoning my 25+ year membership with the party and regisitering tomorrow as an independent.

You and the rest of the Democratic members of Congress should be ashamed with how you have let the American people down. As the minority, you have nothing more to lose. Start fighting for me, or get the hell out of the way.

I've got no illusions that either Reid or Pelosi will read my email. But I felt what I wrote had to be said.


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